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6 Proven Ways To Deliver A Better Customer Experience (Part 1)

6 Proven Ways To Deliver A Better Customer Experience (Part 1) banner by Hotmob

This article is divided into 2 parts, please read part 2 from here.

According to a recent research by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, 50% of surveyed business leaders considered that improving customer experience (CX) is a strategic priority for their businesses. However not all of them perform well in it. In this article, 6 proven ways are suggested for brands to incorporate in their marketing strategies for delivering better customer experience.

1. Connecting customer by stories

Everyone loves storytelling and people often get sentimental by stories. By writing stories relevant to reader’s personal one, brands can build an emotional connection with their customers. Let’s say a travel agent wants to know the last time a customer travel and its destination. Through sharing travel stories via social media and promoting it with online targeting ad, travel agent can suggest to customers great places to visit along with special flight ticket or tour package promotions.

2. AI and chatbots provide live customer support

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the forefront of creating a better customer experience. Imagining a customer surfs on the Internet and looking for a package deal for her next vacation. Wouldn’t it be smarter to have live customer support to help with the customer’s inquiries?

When customers first encounter a brand or service provider, they might have a few questions on top of their head. The installation of chatbot serves a more interactive way to help customers and drive to a decision or booking. Not only that brand is able to shorten the response times to customer’s inquiry. The chatbot can smartly detect if customers fail to find the information they needed and redirect the customer to a live customer support representative to follow up.

Our partner, Sanuker developed a set of AI chatbot tool that is specifically designed for brands to instantly interact with potential customers through Hotmob Ad Network.

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3. Personalisation creates a better CX

A study by Digital Trends found that 73% of customers would make purchase from businesses who personalised their shopping experience. Technology has made it easier than ever to track customer preferences and previous purchase history. Brands can utilise big data to build customer profiles and personalise online ad through use of targeting, thus improving chances of having customers click into brand’s offers.

Please read part 2 of this article from here.

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